To set the record straight I AM NOT a vegan, I’m not a vegetarian, I’m not keto or any other label. At times I will eat copious amounts of honey, if my son catches a fish I will have a bite as much as I wish I could resist and you better believe when Celeste cooks me a free range roasted Portuguese turkey on Thanksgiving I eat until my heart is content and give a massive blessing for the turkey’s life.

If I had to classify myself I would use the adjectives health nut foodie who lived 8 consecutive lifetimes in Italy 😜🤤 !!!

I have a weakness for cheese and butter. I could care less for milk, unless its inside a buttermilk biscuit and as much as I live for my trips to La Bandita ,for a taste of burrata and truffles, I only consume dairy on special occasions and in its highest form. Why? Because dairy is scary on so many levels… health… environmental and ethically. It has huge karmic baggage and health consequences that no one likes to talk about.

So yea its safe to say I am a vegan on most days but can be caught at any moment stuffing my face with various non vegan goodness.

I’m not going to get in to the environmental and ethical reasons one should limit their dairy intake. The information is out there for anyone who wants to know the karma they are consuming. It is SAD and HEARTBREAKING on multiple deep levels.

Let’s talk about the health issues created from dairy (this list is NOT extensive, it could go one for pages):

  • can increase hormones causing acne and other skin imbalances such as eczema.

  • Countries with lowest rates of dairy and calcium consumption have the lowest rates of osteoporosis.

  • dairy contributes to anemia in children

  • contributes to asthma, allergies and ear infections

  • Early exposure to cow's milk proteins has been linked to type 1 diabetes. It is thought that certain proteins found in cow's milk may trigger an autoimmune reaction whereby our own immune cells attack these foreign dairy proteins, inadvertently destroying our insulin-producing pancreatic cells, thus leading to diabetes.

  • increases levels of the growth hormone IGF-1 in our bodies by stimulating its production in the liver. Increased IGF-1 levels are linked to cancers of the bowel, breast and prostate.

  • milk and dairy products are the main source of estrogens in our diet. High estrogens levels are directly linked to breast and ovarian cancer.

  • there is a link between chronic ear infections in children and consumption of cow’s milk.

When any friends or family come to me with any aliment the first thing I say is to try eliminating dairy and caffeine and see what happens. It’s usually life transforming.

The good news is that these days there are AMAZING dairy alternatives for common dairy products. I swear by the Almond Cow for ANY type of nut milk. If you aren’t into making your own Milkadamia has very few ingredients and tastes creamy and delicious. I’m about to share with you how easy it is to make your own coconut yogurt, which does take a little getting use to the taste. Forager is my family’s go to yogurt replacement. My kids can go through an entire container in a day!! Since the coconut yogurt is strong its mainly myself that consumes it for the probiotic benefits.

All you need to make this fresh and fabulous coconut yogurt is coconut and probiotic. The highest vibration probiotic I have found is Elemental Wizdom Super Human Probiotics. My second favorite is Ascended Health. Third favorite is Garden of Life. When just making it for myself I will use Garden of Life’s women’s probiotic.

The beauty of living in Hawaii is access to fresh coconut meat. I use the meat from about 2 medium sized coconuts, stick it in my Vitamix with very little liquid and blend until it looks like yogurt.

If I don’t have any fresh meat then I stick a can of coconut milk in the fridge to let it separate and use the cream from the top, this takes about 24 hours. Unless you like super runny yogurt only use the cream.

I fill a 16 oz Ball jar with the fresh or canned coconut cream then add 2 capsules worth of probiotic. Mix well then cover it with a light cloth and rubber band and let it sit on your counter for 2 days. After that move it to the fridge for 2 days. Then it is ready to enjoy.

If anything looks like it started growing on your yogurt throw it out!!! Also, one way to prevent this is to wash your hands and boil the jar before touching the coconut or probiotic.

It is really that easy!!! Coconut and probiotic and then wait.

My go to recipe is a simple morning breakfast bowl with almond butter and fruit of your choice. Or just enjoy it however you normally enjoy your yogurt.